
                                                 About Me


Londonderry, NH has always been my home.  It’s changed a lot and so have I.  I received a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature followed by a Master’s in Business Administration.  I went on to work at Fortune 500 company. After September 11, 2001, I enlisted in the United States Army and became a mom.   After my service was complete, I returned to my home town to stay.  I have two degrees in Nursing and earned a Master's in Education Policy from Columbia University this year.

After learning my child has disabilities, I became involved in advocating for children with disabilities and for veterans.  I co-founded a group, Moms Who Make A Difference with Katherine Shea and have been working on getting better IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) for students who need support in school.  Our group championed 5 bills in the legislature, three of which were signed into law.  We also testified before committees regarding education.  We have also worked with parents to educate and help them advocate for their children at no cost.   I am also a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee to Commissioner Edelblut as well.

Navigating the school system with an autistic child proved very difficult in the local public school.  As a result, I spoke out in favor of school choice and having options for children to complete their education in a manner which works with their learning style.  I spoke in favor of education vouchers to allow students to attend private school and to support more funding for charter schools. I have advocated for improvements to our public schools, including support for the Parent Rights bill as studies have repeatedly shown that parent involvement is the main factor in determining school success.  Plunging proficiency scores have been a serious issue.  I have also gone before the State Board of Education to  ask for improvements for Special Education and Education.

I went to Glenn Cordelli, sponsored HB1232 to move the burden of proof from parents to school districts and HB1636 to help support students with IEPs receiving special education services in charter schools.  I testified in front of the legislature on both bills.  HB 581 which flipped the burden of proof from parents to schools in due process hearings passed in 2021 and the committee that followed determined that a legislative audit of the process was warranted.  That audit is happening now.  HB1513 which allows children with IEPs to stay in school until their 22nd birthday to allow the maximum chance for a high school diploma was passed in 2022 along with SB 381 which established an Independent Office of Special Education Advocate.  Now, HB147, a bill that promotes parent input on the State Advisory Committee is on the Governor's desk for signature.

In addition to working with special needs families, I have been heavily involved in the veteran community.  I am a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, and Wounded Warrior Project.  I went to the Londonderry Town Council and asked them to approve increasing the Disabled Veterans Tax credit from $2000 to $4000 which they did approve.  I have also helped veterans across the country file for VA benefits at no charge. I also advocated before the state legislature to increase the veterans tax credit across the state and in town. 

I have been involved in the community by supporting my child’s sports teams, being a Girl Scout Leader, and educational advocate.  I genuinely hope that by running for office I can improve things in our state.  I want us all to succeed.


If you support these ideas, please come out and vote for me at the September 10 Primary in town.  If you have not made a decision yet, then please get to know me.  I am also available via phone and email.



Email address:  MoiraRyanforNHStateRep@protonmail.com

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Candidate for NH State Rep District 5, Londonderry